21st Century Legal Networking

21st Century Legal Networking
Schedule of Meetings for 2021 (usually the third Thursday of the month; regular meetings start at 6:15 p.m., for gathering and for socializing; social meetings may have other start times; Visitors, please pre-clear your attendance with the Membership Committee a week or more in advance -- see the guidelines on second page of website; Members, please RSVP at least 4-5 days in advance):
Please note: For at least the first several months of 2021, meetings will continue to be virtual (via Zoom), will start at 5:00 p.m., and will last approximately 1.5 hours. The first 15 minutes or so will be devoted to mingling in breakout rooms.
Please enter all dates into your calendars ASAP, to help avoid unnecessary timing conflicts.
2021 Meeting Dates (with tentative agenda topics, subject to change)
April 15, 2021 -- Regular meeting (5:00 p.m. start time) Chair: Stew Wurtzel Agenda: Guest presenter, Laura Avital, Travel Advisor with Mill Brook Travel Let's start thinking about vacations -- where are the bargains, what's safe, where do you want to go? Location: Virtual (Zoom)
May 20, 2021 -- Regular meeting (5:00 p.m. start time) Chair: TBD Agenda: TBD Location: Virtual (Zoom)
June 17, 2021 -- Jeff Silver Fun Night (5:00 p.m. start time) Chair: Jeff Silver Agenda: Fun & Games Location: Virtual (Zoom)
July & Aug. – Bye months -- no “regular” meetings during summer hiatus (optional informal smaller meetings in NYC and on L.I. are encouraged, via Zoom or in-person, as appropriate and agreed among consenting adults)
September 9, 2021 -- Regular meeting Chair: TBD Agenda: TBD Location: TBD
October 14, 2021 -- Social meeting Chair: TBD Agenda: TBD Location: TBD
November 18, 2021 -- Regular meeting Chair: TBD Agenda: TBD Location: TBD
December 16, 2021 -- Social meeting -- Annual Holiday Party Chair: TBD Agenda: Party Location: TBD
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Archive of recent meetings (where we've been, what we've done, monthly from Jan. 2006 to March 2021; 2000 - 2005 meetings are not archived):
March 18, 2021 -- Regular meeting (5:00 p.m. start time) Chair: Steve Millon Agenda: How has your litigation practice been affected and what have you done to meet the challenge? Location: Virtual (Zoom) February 11, 2021 -- Regular meeting (5:00 p.m. start time) Chair: Seth Weinberg Agenda: How has your transactional practice been affected and what have you done to meet the challenge? Location: Virtual (Zoom) -- Seth or Nancy will circulate the Zoom invitation link via e-mail. January 14, 2021 -- Regular meeting (4:30 p.m. start time) Chair: Nancy Schess Agenda: The New Adminstration: Predictions for Policies and Programs You Expect to Impact Your Practice Area Location: Virtual (Zoom) See Nancy's e-mail time-stamped Mon., 1/4/2021 @ 9:19 PM for the Zoom link. Dec. 17, 2020 – Social meeting -- Annual Holiday Party Agenda: Food, drink and conversation. Cocktail party format. Location: Kingfish Oyster Bar -- moved to Zoom, due to COVID-19. Nov. 19, 2020 – Regular meeting Chair: David Abeshouse Agenda: Business ADR -- arbitration and mediation Location: Jolly Fisherman -- moved to Zoom, due to COVID-19. Oct. 15, 2020 -- Social meeting Chair: Agenda: Social Location: Copperhill -- moved to Zoom, due to COVID-19. Sept. 17, 2020 -- Regular meeting Chair: Jeff Silver Agenda: Guest Speaker (TBD) Location: Thom Thom -- moved to Zoom, due to COVID-19. July & Aug. – Bye months -- no “regular” meetings during summer hiatus (optional informal smaller meetings in NYC and on L.I. are encouraged) June 18, 2020 – Social meeting -- annual BBQ Chair: Jeff Silver Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. Spouses and significant others welcome. Please RSVP specifically re: how many/whom. Location: Home of Michele and Jeff Silver (details will be provided by e-mail, not posted online). ~6:15 p.m. start time. Moved to Zoom, due to COVID-19. May 21, 2020 –Regular meeting Chair: Andy Thaler Agenda: Travel -- Best Place You've Been/#1 on Your Wish List Location: Carltun on the Park, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow -- moved to Zoom, due to COVID-19. NOTICE: OUR APRIL REGULAR MEETING HAS BEEN MOVED TO ZOOM. April 23, 2020 – Regular meeting Chair: Ron Fatoullah Agenda: The SECURE Act (The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 -- retirement issues) Location: La Novella NOTICE: OUR APRIL REGULAR MEETING HAS BEEN MOVED TO ZOOM. NOTICE: OUR MARCH SOCIAL MEETING AT LIMANI HAS BEEN POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19, EFFECTIVE 3/12/20, BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. March 19, 2020 – Social meeting Chair: Agenda: Social Location: Limani NOTICE: OUR MARCH SOCIAL MEETING AT LIMANI HAS BEEN POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19, EFFECTIVE 3/12/20, BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Feb. 13, 2020 – Regular meeting Chair: Nancy Schess & Stew Wurtzel Agenda: Discrimination In Workplace and Housing Location: Cena 081 Jan. 16, 2020 - - Regular meeting Chair: Sam Flatt Agenda: Dealing With The Nightmare Client Location: Jolly Fisherman Dec. 12, 2019 – Social meeting -- Annual Holiday Party Agenda: Food, drink and conversation. Cocktail party format. Location: KingFish Oyster Bar
Nov. 14, 2019 – Regular meeting Chair: Andy Thaler Agenda: Small Business Challenges Location: Oniro Taverna Oct. 17, 2019 -- Social meeting Chair: Seth Weinberg Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation Location: Copperhill Sept. 19, 2019 -- Regular meeting Chair: Nancy Schess Agenda: Labor Law Update Location: La Novella July & Aug. – Bye months -- no “regular” meetings during summer hiatus (optional informal smaller meetings in NYC and on L.I. are encouraged) June 20, 2019 – Social meeting -- annual BBQ Chair: Jeff Silver Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. Spouses and significant others welcome. Please RSVP specifically re: how many/whom. Location: Home of Michele and Jeff Silver (details will be provided by e-mail, not posted online). ~6:15/6:30 p.m. start time. May 16, 2019 –Regular meeting Chair: Jeff Silver Agenda: Jeff Silver Fun Night -- game show format trivia contest, with prize for the winning table. Location: City Cellar April 18, 2019 – Regular meeting Chair: Stew Wurtzel Agenda: Moving your law office Location: La Novella March 14, 2019 – Socialmeeting Chair: Seth Weinberg Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation Location: Copperhill Feb. 7, 2019 – Regular meeting Chair: Steve Millon Agenda: Spotlight presentations by Seth, Marci, & Wendy Location: City Cellar Jan. 17, 2019 - - Regular meeting Chair: Sam Flatt Agenda: Attorney advertising -- rules and strategy Location: La Novella -- Full open bar (beer, wine, soda, mixed drinks); your choice of one of 4 appetizers; second course choice salad or pasta; choose from 4 or 5 main course offerings (plus veg side and roasted potato side), and dessert samplers/coffee/tea. Dec. 13, 2018 – Social meeting -- Annual Holiday Party Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. Cocktail party format. Location: MP Taverna Nov. 15, 2018 – Regular meeting Chair: Andy Thaler Agenda: Hot topics in Ethics, presented by Dan Abrams Location: City Cellar Oct. 18, 2018 -- Social meeting Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. Location: Novita Sept. 13, 2018 -- Regular meeting Chair: Sam Flatt Agenda: Watching TV, now and then Location: CopperHill, Williston Park July & Aug. – No “regular” meetings, but…once again, I intend to have one or two smaller gatherings of ART members for breakfast or lunch at the café in my building (the RXR Plaza in Uniondale, across from the old Nassau Coliseum), and I encourage others to organize their own as well. Let’s use this opportunity to drill down and get to know each other even better. Further details available upon request. June 21, 2018 – Social meeting -- annual BBQ Chair: Jeff Silver Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. Spouses and significant others welcome. Please RSVP re: how many/whom. Location: Home of Michele and Jeff Silver (Details will be provided by e-mail, not posted online.) ~6:15/6:30 p.m. start time. May 17, 2018 –Regular meeting Chair: Steve Millon Agenda: New technology -- hardware, software, otherware. Location: CopperHill, Williston Park April 19, 2018 – Regular meeting Chair: Nancy Schess Agenda: Member Spotlights (Rona, Wendy, Marci) Location: City Cellar, Westbury March 15, 2018 – Social meeting Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. Location: CopperHill, Williston Park Feb. 15, 2018 – Regular meeting Chair: Jeff Silver Agenda: Tax Law Changes Location: MP Taverna, Roslyn Jan. 18, 2018 -- Regular meeting Chair: Stew Wurtzel Agenda: Succession planning for your law firm Location: Thyme, Roslyn Dec. 14, 2017 -- Social meeting -- annual holiday party Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. Cocktail party format. Location: Jewel Nov. 16, 2017 – Regular meeting -- Chair: Andy Thaler Agenda: The Impact of Social Networking on our lives positively and negatively both personal and business.Is it controlling us and our families’ lives? Do we rely on it and if so for what? What social meeting are we using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.? How has it changed our lives for good and bad? What do we hope to or are accomplishing and with which media outlet? Who concerns do we have as professionals/parents regarding our or our children’s use of social media? Social Networking Positives & Negatives. Location: Novita (scroll down in right column for location) (cash bar) Oct. 19, 2017 - Social meeting Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. Location: Jewel - The Starlight Room (scroll down in right column for location)(2 glasses wine or beer included) Sept. 14, 2017 -- Regular meeting -- Chair: Nancy Schess Agenda: Discussion topic: ART. What you would like to see in our programming, future direction, etc. (Note: Our annual "Jeff Silver Fun Night" trivia competition has been adjourned without date.) Location: Frank's Steaks (scroll down in right column for location)(unlimited beer, wine, soda) July & Aug. 2017 – No “regular” meetings, but…once again, I intend to have one or two smaller gatherings of ART members for breakfast or lunch at the café in my building (the RXR Plaza in Uniondale, across from the old Nassau Coliseum), and I encourage others to organize their own as well. Let’s use this opportunity to drill down and get to know each other even better. Further details available upon request. June 15, 2017 – Social meeting -- annual BBQ Chair: Jeff Silver Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. Spouses and significant others welcome. Please RSVP re: how many/whom. Location: Home of Michele and Jeff Silver (Details will be provided by e-mail, not posted online.) ~6:15/6:30 p.m. start time. May 18, 2017 –Regular meeting -- Chair: Nancy Schess Agenda: Discussion topic -- Creating your marketing plan; strategic decisions we make to turn contacts into business. Location: City Cellar (scroll down in right column for location)(1 glass house beer or wine included) April 20, 2017 – Regular meeting -- Chair: Sam Flatt Agenda: Your Best Referral Sources -- networking "nodes" Location: Novita (scroll down in right column for location) (cash bar) March 16, 2017 -- Social meeting Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. Location: Jewel (scroll down in right column for location) Feb. 16, 2017 – Regular meeting -- Chair: Steven Millon Agenda: Spotlight presentations by Mitch Pashkin and Brad Rosken Location: City Cellar (scroll down in right column for location)(Note: Happy Hour @ 50% off at the bar through 7 p.m.; during dinner, soft drinks and 1 glass house beer or wine included) Jan. 19, 2017 -- Regular meeting -- Chair: Stew Wurtzel Agenda: Discussion topic: "What changes do you think the new Presidential/Congressional administration will bring to your practice area?" Location: Frank's Steaks (scroll down in right column for location) (unlimited beer, wine, soda)
Dec. 15, 2016 – Social meeting -- Annual Holiday Party -- Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. Cocktail party format. Location: Jewel (scroll down in right column for location) Nov. 17, 2016 – Regular meeting -- Chair: Steve Millon Agenda: Our annual "Jeff Silver Fun Night, Part 4" -- trivia contest with a prize for the winning table. Location: Seasons 52, Roosevelt Field, Garden City Oct. 20, 2016 -- Social meeting -- Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. Location: Jewel (scroll down in right column for location) Sept. 15, 2016 -- Regular meeting -- Chair: Jeff Silver Agenda: Modified agenda; general conversation. "JSFN" adjourned to Nov. meeting. Location: Frank's Steaks (scroll down in right column for location) July & Aug. – No “regular” meetings, but…I will have one or two smaller gatherings of ART members for breakfast or lunch at the café in my building (the RXR Plaza in Uniondale, across from the old Nassau Coliseum), and I encourage others to organize their own as well. Let’s use this opportunity to drill down and get to know each other even better. The specifics: -- Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 26 -- Lunch at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 27. For either (or both!), meet up at the couches and TV adjacent to the East Tower elevators on the lobby level (one flight up from ground level, via stairs/escalator, and turn right). After about a 5-minute grace period, we'll enter the adjacent cafe and get started, so come in and find us (likely at a table on the left side) if you're late. RXR Plaza (f/k/a Reckson Plaza f/k/a EAB Plaza) is on Glenn Curtis Blvd., just off Hempstead Turnpike, across from the Nassau Coliseum. Further details available upon request. June 16, 2016 – Social meeting -- annual BBQ Chair: Jeff Silver Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. Spouses and significant others welcome. Please RSVP re: how many/whom. Location: Home of Michele and Jeff Silver (Details will be provided by e-mail, not posted online.) ~6:15/6:30 p.m. start time. May 19, 2016 – Regular meeting -- Chair: Andy Thaler Agenda: "What Drives You Crazy?" (venting frustrations from the law and everyday life) -- discussion topic. Location: City Cellar (scroll down in right column for location) April 21, 2016 – Regular meeting -- Chair: Nancy Schess Agenda: Employer-employee issues, Part 2. Location: Carltun on the Park, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow (scroll down in right column for location) March 17, 2016 – Social meeting -- Chair: Stew Wurtzel Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. Location: Jewel (scroll down in right column for location) Feb. 11, 2016 – Regular meeting -- Chair: Stew Wurtzel Agenda: Collecting your fees -- retaining liens, stopping work, suing. Location: Frank's Steaks (scroll down in right column for location) NOTE: 2 hours unlimited beer, soda & wine from 6:15 to 8:15 p.m.; cash bar for cocktails. Jan. 21, 2016 -- Regular meeting Chair: Sam Flatt Agenda: "There Ought to be a Law" -- discussion topic. Location: City Cellar (scroll down in right column for location) Dec. 17, 2015 – Social meeting –Annual Holiday Party. 6:15 – 9:15 p.m. Chair: Stew Wurtzel. Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. Cocktail party format. Roped-off portion of the bar in front of the windows facing Jericho Tpke. Seating within that area as well as additional seats at the bar. Top-shelf open bar. 6 passed hors d'oeuvres; 4 hot trays. Location: Kashi (scroll down in right column for address and directions). Nov. 19, 2015 -- Regular meeting --Chair: Andy Thaler Agenda: Considerations when taking in a new client Location: City Cellar (scroll down in right column for address and directions). Oct. 15, 2015 -- Regular meeting -- Chair: Jeff Silver/Stew Wurtzel Agenda: "Fun Night" -- adjourned from July, because that's what lawyers do -- they obtain adjournments. See details below, under July 2015.... Location: Frank's Steaks (scroll down in right column for address and directions). Sept. 17, 2015 – Social meeting – our time-honored annual summer tradition, the BBQ social, has been moved to Sept. Held at the residence of Jeff Silver. Directions available by e-mail. Start time: 6:15 p.m. Spouses and significant others welcome – please RSVP specifically re: who/how many. Chair/host: Michele and Jeff Silver. Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. Location: Details will be provided by e-mail, not posted online. Aug. 2015 – No Aug. meeting (but feel free to meet independently in small groups or one-on-one for coffee, a meal, a drink, or at an office). If at least 3 ART members request it, I'll be happy to host an informal breakfast gathering at the RXR Plaza Cafe, in my building, during August. July 16, 2015 – Regular meeting. Chair: Jeff Silver. Agenda: Our annual July “Jeff Silver Fun Night, Part 3”(the 2013 contest focused on Rock & Roll; 2014 focused on TV; what will 2015 bring?). As in previous years, the winning table will receive a fantastic prize from the ART Executive Committee, so choose your most trivia-savvy table-mates wisely. Location: Carlyle on the Green (Tillinghast Bar) -- Bethpage State Park (scroll down in right column for address and directions). June 18, 2015 – Social meeting -- Chair: Stew Wurtzel Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. 7 - 10 p.m. Note: ART members' spouse or significant other warmly invited, as guests of ART. Please RSVP specifically regarding who/how many. Specifically: Our 15th Anniversary Gala Celebration, featuring 3 hours full open bar; 8 butler passed hors d'oeuvres; Tuscan Table; Steakhouse Station and Mediterranean Station; and beautiful sunset views at the beach. Location: Allegria Hotel Rooftop, Long Beach (scroll down in right column for address and directions). May 21, 2015 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Sam Flatt Agenda: Discussion: Things we like to do locally in summer Location: City Cellar (scroll down in right column for address and directions). April 16, 2015 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Jeff Silver Agenda: Member Spotlights: Rousso, Silverberg, and Steinberg Location: La Parma (scroll down in right column for address and directions). March 19, 2015 -- Social meeting – Chair: Sam Flatt. Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Enjoy various passed hors d'oeuvres, 2 beers or house wines per person (included), and coffee/dessert (be sure to stay for Jewel's extraordinary selection of cookies and brownies). Location: Jewel Restaurant in Melville; Starlight Room (enter and turn left once inside)(scroll down in right column for address and directions). Feb. 19, 2015 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Stew Wurtzel Agenda: Immigration Update, with Mike Meehan Location: City Cellar (scroll down in right column for address and directions). Jan. 15, 2015 – Regular meeting. Chair: Nancy Schess Agenda: Discussion topics: Hiring and firing new attorneys and staff; thoughts on law school education and bar exam Location: Frank's Steaks (scroll down in right column for address and directions). Dec. 18, 2014 -- Social meeting -- Annual Holiday Party. 6:15 - 8:45 p.m. Chair: Jeff Bernstein Agenda: Food, drink, conversation. Location: Seasons 52, at Roosevelt Field (scroll down in right column for address and directions). Nov. 20, 2014 --Regular meeting. Chair: Steve Millon Agenda: Discussion -- Issues in Ethics: IOLA questions; pro bono requirements; your concerns. Location: La Parma (scroll down in right column for address and directions). Oct. 16, 2014 -- Social meeting. Chair: David Abeshouse Agenda: Food, drink, and conversation. 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Enjoy various passed hors d’oeuvres, 2 beers or house wines per person (included), and coffee/dessert (be sure to stay for Jewel’s extraordinary selection of cookies and brownies). Location: Jewel Restaurant in Melville (scroll down in right column for address and directions). Sept. 18, 2014 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Nancy Schess Agenda: Discussion, on topic: "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" Location: La Parma (scroll down in right column for address and directions). August 2014 -- No Aug. meeting (but feel free to meet independently for coffee, a meal, a drink, or at an office) July 17, 2014 --- Regular meeting. Chair: Jeff Silver Agenda: "Jeff Silver Fun Night, Part 2" (the 2013 version focused principally on rock and roll; will 2014 feature sex or drugs or...?) This year, it's "That's Entertainment," featuring a wide array of entertainment and trivia questions. And like at JSFN #1 last year, the winning table will receive a fantastic prize from the ART Executive Committee, so choose your most trivia-savvy table-mates wisely. Location: La Parma (scroll down in right column for address and directions). June 12, 2014 - Social meeting. Our time-honored annual summer tradition, the BBQ social. Held at the residence of Jeff Silver. Directions available by e-mail. Start time: 6:15. Spouses and significant others welcome. Chair/Host: Michele and Jeff Silver Agenda: Food, drink, conversation. Location: Details will be provided by e-mail, not posted online. May 15, 2014 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Stew Wurtzel Agenda: Discussion -- All about travel and vacations -- plans, memories, etc. Location: Carlyle on the Green -- Bethpage State Park (scroll down in right column for address and directions). April 17, 2014 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Andy Thaler Agenda: Discussion -- How the online world has affected your area of practice. Location: Carlyle on the Green -- Bethpage State Park (scroll down in right column for address and directions). March 20, 2014 -- Social meeting. Chair: Stew Wurtzel. Agenda: Food, drink, conversation. Location: Seasons 52, in Roosevelt Field -- We will be either in the Napa Room or Sonoma Room -- both are downstairs on the main level, near the bar (scroll down in right column for address and directions). Open top-shelf bar, hors d'oeuvres, and buffet. Feb. 27, 2014 (adjourned due to snow from Feb. 13; the first ART meeting ever adjourned due to weather, in 13 years) -- Regular meeting. Chair: Nancy Schess Agenda: New member spotlight presentation -- Kevin Kearon. Location: La Parma in Williston Park (scroll down in right column for address and directions). Jan. 16, 2014 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Sam Flatt Agenda: New topics in your field of law -- roundtable (that's our name, right?) discussion -- including what new law or rule you'd like to see in your practice area. Location: Trattoria Diane in Roslyn (scroll down in right column for address and directions).
Dec. 19, 2013 -- Social meeting -- Annual Holiday Party. Chair: Stew Wurtzel. Agenda: Food, drink, conversation. Location: Seasons 52, at Roosevelt Field, adjacent to movie theater. Nov. 21, 2013 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Steven Millon Agenda: Discussion: "The Path Not Chosen -- If Not a Lawyer, Then What?" Location: Trattoria Diane, in Roslyn (scroll down in right column for address and directions). Oct. 17, 2013 -- Social meeting. Chair: Stew Wurtzel Agenda: Food, beverages, and conversation. Location: Chris & Tony's Restaurant & Lounge, Syosset. (Scroll down in right column for more info.) Sept. 19, 2013 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Nancy Schess. Agenda: Spotlights: Phil Loree and Jeff Berkman Location: Harbor Links Golf Course (Port Washington -- scroll down in right column for more info). Aug. -- No Aug. meeting -- our annual "bye" month (but feel free to meet independently for coffee, a meal, a drink, or at an office). July 18, 2013 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Jeff Silver. Agenda: Interactive and fun "getting to know you better" activities, including rock music quiz. "Jeff Silver Fun Night #1" Location: La Parma, Williston Park (scroll down in right column for more info). June 20, 2013 -- Social meeting -- Our time-honored annual summer tradition, the BBQ social. Held at the residence of Jeff Silver. Directions available by e-mail. Start time: 6:15. Spouses and significant others welcome. May 16, 2013 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Nancy Schess Agenda: Interactive group discussion about software and technology that has made your life easier. Location: Trattoria Diane, 21 Bryant Ave., Roslyn. www.trattoriadiane.com Apr. 18, 2013 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Andy Thaler Agenda: Marketing (discussion) Location: Carlyle on the Green -- Taste 99 Restaurant, Tillinghast Bar (scroll down in right column for address info). Mar. 21, 2013 -- Social meeting. Chair: Jeff Bernstein. Location: Cue Nine, in Levittown (scroll down in right column for address info). 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Poolhall, bar, restaurant. Feb. 21, 2013 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Stew Wurtzel Agenda: The basics of real estate law: What every practitioner should know about buying, selling, leasing, etc. Location: Chris & Tony's Restaurant & Lounge; 352 Jericho Tpke., Syosset 11791 (Scroll down in right column for info.) Jan. 17, 2013 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Sam Flatt Agenda: Hurricane Sandy -- the legal perspective. Location: Carlyle on the Green -- Taste 99 Restaurant, Tillinghast Bar (scroll down in right column for address info). Dec. 20, 2012 -- 6:15 p.m. -- Social meeting -- Annual Holiday Party (members only this year); cocktails and dinner in the upstairs room at Trattoria Diane, 21 Bryant Ave., Roslyn. www.trattoriadiane.com Nov. 15, 2012 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Sam Flatt Agenda: "Spotlight" presentations from members Ken Beal and Dan Abrams. Location: Chris & Tony's Restaurant & Lounge; 352 Jericho Tpke., Syosset 11791. (Scroll down in right column for info.) Oct. 18, 2012 -- Social meeting, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Location: K. Pacho (formerly TWO); 1270 Union Tpke., New Hyde Park (private room upstairs). Passed hors d'oeuvres, wine, beer, soda, & sangria. Sept. 20, 2012 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Andy Thaler Agenda: Discussion of billing arrangements and billing process. Location: Seasons 52 Fresh Grill, Roosevelt Field Mall, Garden City (scroll down in right column for more info). Soft drinks included; cash bar for all alcohol. August 2012 -- No Aug. meeting (but feel free to meet independently for coffee, a meal, a drink, or at an office) July 19, 2012 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Steve Millon (first-time Chairing). Agenda: Discussion of outside activities in which we're involved (hobby, charitable cause, community activity, etc.). Location: Carlyle on the Green in Bethpage -- Taste 99 Restaurant, St. Andrews Room (scroll down in right column for address info.) June 21, 2012 -- Social meeting: Our time-honored annual summer tradition, the BBQ social. Held at Jeff Silver’s Dix Hills home (directions available by e-mail); 6:15 p.m. start time. Spouses/significant others welcome. May 17, 2012 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Nancy Schess Agenda: Presentation by Nancy Schess and David Abeshouse: "Social Media and Your Law Practice – Good, Bad, or Indifferent? A substantive dialogue about how social media impacts your practice area." Location: Carlyle on the Green in Bethpage -- Taste 99 Restaurant, Tillinghast Bar (scroll down in right column for address info.) April 19, 2012 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Stewart Wurtzel Agenda: Discussion topic -- "Our Changing Perspectives" -- how has your perspective on life and practice changed from 15 years ago? Location: FOUR in Melville (scroll down in right column for address info.) March 15, 2012 -- Social meeting. Cocktail party/billiards: appetizers, full top-shelf open bar included. 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Cue Nine in Levittown (scroll down in right column for address info.) Feb. 16, 2012 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Jeff Silver Agenda: Two member spotlight presentations: Steve Millon and Kevin Clyne. Location: 420 North in Great Neck (scroll down in right column for address info). Jan. 19, 2012 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Michael Pfeifer Agenda: Interactive discussion about employee benefits Location: Piccola Bussola in Mineola (scroll down in right column for address info.) Dec. 15, 2011 -- Annual Holiday Party; 6:30 p.m. start time; 9 p.m. end. Morton's Steakhouse, 777 Northern Blvd., Great Neck. Format: Cocktail party (drinks included; not a cash bar). Members and prospective member guests invited. Nov. 17, 2011 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Nancy Schess. Agenda: Two member spotlight presentations: Dan Morrin and Tom O'Rourke. Location: Viana Hotel & Spa (scroll down in right column for address and directions). Note: Soft drinks, coffee, tea included; cash bar. Oct. 20, 2011 -- Social meeting. Location: City Cellar Wine Bar & Grill. Roped-off area at the bar. 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Appetizers, beer, wine included. Sept. 15, 2011 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Stew Wurtzel. Agenda: Law practice management discussion. Location: Carltun on the Park, East Meadow (scroll down in right column for directions). No Aug. meeting (but feel free to meet independently for coffee, a meal, a drink, or at an office) July 21, 2011 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Jeff Silver. Agenda: Continuation of May meeting's discussion topic: Would you advise your kids to take over your practice -- why or why not? Location: Harbor Links Golf Course (scroll down in right column for directions). June 16, 2011 -- Social meeting -- Our time-honored annual summer tradition, the BBQ social. Location: Phil's House, in Woodbury; directions provided by e-mail. 6:30 p.m. start time. Spouses/significant others welcome. May 19, 2011 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Jeff Silver. Agenda: Discussion topic: Would you advise your kids to take over your practice -- why or why not? Location: OEVO Ristorante, 420 Northern Blvd., Great Neck (scroll down in right-hand column for venue info). April 14, 2011 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Michael Pfeifer. Agenda: Two member spotlight presentations: Sam Flatt and Sinai Megibow. Location: Piccola Bussola in Mineola. March 17, 2011 -- Social meeting -- Happy St. Paddy's Day -- at The Tap Room at the Carltun on the Park, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow (scroll down in right-hand column for venue info). 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Open Bar, passed hors d'oeuvres, antipasto station, pasta station. Feb. 17, 2011 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Andy Thaler. Agenda: Law Office/Practice Management: "Law Firm Management -- How Do I Handle All This?" Discussion topics facilitated by law firm administrators. Location: Carltun on the Park, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow (The Wine Cellar -- downstairs) (scroll down in right-hand column for venue info). Jan. 20, 2011 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Jeff Silver. Agenda: Member "Spotlight" presentations; interactive discussion re: programs. Location: Davenport Press, 70 Main Street, Mineola (scroll down in right-hand column for venue info).
Dec. 16, 2010 -- Annual Holiday Party; TWO Steak and Sushi, in New Hyde Park. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (drinks and passed appetizers). Nov. 18, 2010 -- Regular meeting. Chair: Nancy Schess. Agenda: Dr. Dan Schaefer of Peak Performance Strategies. Location: Social Sports Kitchen, Hempstead Turnpike, Uniondale (see specific directions in right-hand column -- scroll down). Oct. 25, 2010 -- social meeting -- NOTE CHANGED DATE (Mon. rather than Thurs. eve), and 6:30 p.m. start time -- joint meeting: Mixer with Downtown Lawyers legal networking group: http://www.downtownlawyers.org/ . Location: Maxim Lounge, 2nd Floor of the Hotel Stanford, 43 W. 32nd St. (between Broadway and 5th Ave.). Please RSVP as soon as possible. Carpooling/LIRR travel together is encouraged. Sept. 16, 2010 -- regular meeting. Chair: Stew Wurtzel. Agenda: Ralph Monaco, Exec. Director at the NY Law Institute, Inc. spoke about research tools beyond Lexis and Westlaw, and the evolving role of the law library in the 21st century. Location: Maxxels Restaurant (scroll down in right column for address). No Aug. meeting (but feel free to meet independently for coffee, a meal, a drink, or at an office) July 15, 2010 -- regular meeting. Chair: Nancy Schess. Agenda: Continuation of May's interactive discussion among members; Topic: outside group involvement. Location: Harbor Links Golf Course (scroll down and see right column for venue information). June 17, 2010 -- social -- our time-honored tradition of a summer BBQ, this time at Jeff Silver’s Dix Hills home (directions available by e-mail); 6:15 p.m. start time. May 20, 2010 -- regular meeting. Chair: Stew Wurtzel. Agenda: Interactive discussion among members; Topic: outside group involvement. Location: Maxxel's Restaurant (scroll down and see right column for venue information). April 15, 2010 -- regular meeting. Chair: Michael Pfeifer. Agenda: Popular guest speaker Allison Shields of LegalEase Consulting Inc. returns to ART to lead a discussion on "How to Survive in This Economy." Location: Jonathan's Restaurant, Garden City Park (see location information in the right-hand column -- scroll down). March 18, 2010 -- 6:30 - 9 p.m. -- social meeting -- City Cellar, 1080 Corporate Drive, Westbury 11590 (bar area, right side). Feb. 11, 2010 -- regular meeting. Chair: Andy Thaler. Agenda: Spotlight presentations by Russell Marnell and Aaron Britvan. Location: Maxxels Restaurant, Mineola. Jan. 21, 2010 -- regular meeting. Chair: Michael Pfeifer/Jeff Silver. Agenda: "LinkedIn: How Can it Benefit My Practice, and How Do I LinkIn? A Discussion of How and Why to Use LinkedIn." Featured Speaker: David Abeshouse. Location: Table 9 Restaurant, East Hills. Dec. 17, 2009 – ART's 2009 Holiday Party -- at Panama Hattie's in Huntington. Three-course dinner includes wine, beer, and soft drinks. 6:30 p.m. start. Nov. 19, 2009 -- regular meeting. Chair: Nancy Schess. Agenda: Ron Fatoullah and Michael Pfeiffer presented on the new POA (Power of Attorney) statute. Location: Morton's Steakhouse on Northern Blvd., Great Neck. Oct. 15. 2009 -- social meeting at Speranza Food Studio, Woodbury. 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (2 hours). Sept. 17, 2009 – regular meeting. Chair: Andrew Thaler. Agenda: Spotlights by Stewart Wurtzel and David Zarett, and discussion. Location: Harbor Links Golf Club, Port Washington. Aug. – no meeting. July 16, 2009 -- Chair: Nancy Schess. Agenda: Spotlight presentations by Andy Thaler and Don Hochler. Location: "Gatsby Room," on the first floor at The Carltun on the Park, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow. June 18, 2009 -– Social Meeting -- "Summer BBQ at Phil's House" in Woodbury, 6:30 - ? p.m. -- spouses or significant others welcome. May 14, 2009 -- Nancy Schess and Jeff Silver chaired this regular meeting, with agenda: Speaker, Mitch Tobol, Public Relations and Marketing/Social Media Specialist, on "The New Language of Marketing -- Social Media (including LinkedIn, etc.)." Location: "Gatsby Room," on the first floor at The Carltun on the Park, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow. April 16, 2009 -- Michael Pfeifer chaired this regular meeting, with agenda: Special speaker, Beth Lilach, of the Holocaust Memorial & Tolerance Center, on the topic: "Legalized Persecution and Murder: The Role of the Courts." Location: "Gatsby Room," on the first floor at The Carltun on the Park, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow. March 19, 2009 -- Social Meeting: Novita (860 Franklin Ave., G.C.) -- there is a roped-off section of the lounge for ART members; Note different time: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (two hours of beer, wine, soda; passed hors d'oeuvres from 7 - 8 p.m.). Feb. 12, 2009 -- Jeff Silver Chaired this meeting with agenda: Spotlight presentations by Phil Capell and David Abeshouse. Location: "The Secret Dining Room," on the second floor at The Carltun on the Park, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow. Jan. 15, 2009 -- Jeff Silver chaired this meeting with agenda: Results of Executive Committee determinations about ART membership. Location: "Gatsby Room," on the first floor at The Carltun on the Park, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow.
Dec. 18, 2008: Holiday Party: 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. at the lounge area of FOUR FOOD STUDIO, Route 110, Melville. (2 hours open bar, 1 hour appetizers.) Nov. 20, 2008: David Abeshouse chaired this meeting with agenda: Group survey discussion regarding ART; Location: "Gatsby Room," on the first floor at The Carltun on the Park, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow. Oct. 16, 2008: Social Meeting -- Samurai Japanese Steak House; 46A Gerard Street; Huntington 11743 ( 631-271-2588 ); near the intersection of Wall Street, 1 block north of Main Street (Rt. 25A), 2 blocks west of New York Avenue (Rt. 110). NOTE DIFFERENT TIME: Gather at the bar starting at 7 p.m.; dinner is at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 18, 2008: Michael Pfeifer chaired this regular meeting with agenda -- spotlight presentations by Alan Schwartz and Larry Krasin. Location: Uncle Bacala's, 2370 Jericho Tpke., Garden City Park (739-0505). August: Summer break; no meeting. July 17, 2008: L. Glick will chair this regular meeting with agenda -- spotlight presentations by Michael L. Pfeifer and John V. Soderberg. Location: Harbor Links Golf Course, Port Washington. June 19, 2008: Social Meeting -- "Summer BBQ at Phil's House" in Woodbury, 6:30 - ? p.m. May 15, 2008: J. Silver chaired this regular meeting with agenda: Member Spotlights (David Katz and David Feather) and discussion. Location: Papa-Razzi Trattoria (in Westbury). April 17, 2008: N. Schess chaired this regular meeting with agenda: Member Spotlights (Caryn Lilling and Sandy Gumerove) and discussion. Location: Papa-Razzi Trattoria (in Westbury). March 27, 2008: Social Meeting (no agenda), with buffet dinner. Location: Polo Lounge/Casanova, 118 Plandome Road, Manhasset, NY 11030 ( 516-365-9854 516-365-9854 ); 1/4 mile north of Northern Blvd. Feb. 28, 2008: A. Thaler chaired this regular meeting with agenda: John G. W. Zacker, Esq., spoke on "Dynamic Estate Planning": Three types of money and how they affect estate planning; unintended avenues of wealth transfer; what the financial institutions don't want you to know; and what the government isn't telling you. Location: La Marmite. Jan. 17, 2008: M. Pfeifer chaired this regular meeting with agenda: Discussion, led by Executive Committee members, re: issues relating to A.R.T. Location: La Marmite. Dec. 13, 2007: Holiday Party. 7 to 9 p.m. Location: Dave & Busters, 261 Airport Plaza Blvd., Farmingdale 11735. Adjacent to intersection of Rt. 110 (Broad Hollow Road) and Rt. 24 (Conklin St.). Bowling, dinner, drinks, fun. Nov. 15, 2007: V. Drogin chaired this regular meeting, with agenda. (The program was an interactive discussion around a series of Laser Questions, which help to create focus and definitive goals toward achieving your professional and personal successes.) Location: Papa-Razzi Trattoria (in Westbury. Oct. 18, 2007: Fall Social -- no agenda-based meeting; guided wine-tasting and hors d'oeuvres at elegant party room of CLE Abstract in Amityville. September 20, 2007: L. Glick chaired this regular meeting with agenda: Richard Levine, a Certified Fraud Examiner and partner with Eisner LLP, spoke on the topic of "Fraud in the Workplace." Location: La Marmite. August: Summer Break; no meeting. July 19, 2007: J. Silver chaired this regular meeting with agenda: Allison C. Shields, Esq., law practice management consultant and author of the LegalEase Consulting and LawyerMeltdown blog and website, provided practical tips on how to make your practice more enjoyable and profitable. Location: La Marmite. June 21, 2007: Summer Outing social event -- L.I. Ducks baseball game (no agenda-based meeting). May 17, 2007: N. Schess chaired this regular meeting, with agenda: Paul Napolitano, Technical Director of Alexander Wall Corporation, environmental consultants, spoke about environmental remediation. Location: La Marmite. April 19, 2007: Andy Thaler chaired this regular meeting, with agenda: Edward O'Connor, President of Advanced Funding Solutions, Inc., spoke about reverse mortgages. Location: La Marmite. March 15, 2007: Spring Social -- this was not an agenda-based meeting; 7:30 to 9 p.m. at Maxwell & Dunne's -- private room; 1600 Round Swamp Road; Plainview 11803 516-694-6200 (Exit 48, L.I.E.) 1-1/2 hours of cocktails, appetizers, and networking. Feb. 15, 2007: J. Frankel chaired the meeting at La Marmite. Agenda: Implementing the new attorney "advertising" rules (effective 2/1/07). Jan. 18, 2007: I. Hecht chaired the meeting at La Marmite: No outside speaker. Instead, interactive program among members discussing new personal or professional developments, or something about the member that others are unlikely to know. (What happened at La Marmite, stays there....)
The annual A.R.T. Holiday Party was held on Thursday, December 7, 2006, at Dave & Buster's in Farmingdale, from 7 - 10 p.m. Nov. 16, 2006: L. Glick chaired the meeting at La Marmite: featured speaker was Mitch Tobol, President of the Tobol Group, PR and Marketing; topic: SEO -- Search engine optimization for marketing your law firm website. Oct. 19, 2006: D. Zarett chaired the meeting at La Marmite; featured speaker was Michael Glasser, Legal Tech Guru. Sept. 21, 2006: T. Rosasco chaired meeting at La Marmite; featured speaker was Lance Clarke, the President-Elect of the Nassau County Bar Association. Aug. 22, 2006: ART members attended a L.I. Ducks baseball game for our annual summer outing. June 15, 2006: A. Thaler chaired the meeting at Il Sapore; featured speaker George Hubner presented on Exit Strategies. May 18, 2006: A. Herz chaired the meeting at La Marmite, and also presented. April 27, 2006: S. Lichtenstein presented at Piccola Bussola. March 16, 2006: Raj Goel presented at Wingate Inn. Feb. 16, 2006: Piccola Bussola. Jan. 19, 2006: Piccola Bussola.
Note: Previous meetings, from 2000 - 2005, are not archived.
(c) 2006 - 2022, David J. Abeshouse
The Attorney Round Table (ART) is a lawyers' business networking group comprised of some of the leading practitioners in their respective areas of law practice in the New York metropolitan area. It has been continually and successfully in existence since the year 2000. Please visit our Members page to learn more about our colleagues and their niche practice concentrations, and to obtain their contact information and links to their law firm websites. If you are an attorney who has interest in exploring whether to join this group, please visit the Guidelines/Application page to review our membership criteria and our short application form and instructions. Please note that ART meetings are not open to the public. Please contact our membership chairperson to inquire about visiting two meetings (moderate dinner charge required) before you and we mutually decide whether we're a good fit for each other. Further information appears on the second page of this website. And if you're a prospective client seeking qualified counsel in the New York metro region, you've come to the right starting place (even if one of our members cannot handle your matter directly, we each have broad and deep networks of trusted professionals to whom we can refer you -- our combined resources provide a wealth of opportunities). Surf around the site, and feel free to contact our members who may be able to assist you with your legal issues. (Note to vendors seeking lawyer-customers: Commercial solicitation of our members is not permitted, and will not be condoned.) By the way, this is home page of our website; please also visit the other 4 pages.... Suggestions for additions or other changes to the website are welcomed. Please contact: David at Biz Law NY dot com
DISCLAIMER: Please note that the Attorney Round Table (ART) is not a law firm, partnership, or any other type of entity. Members of ART are valuable resources for each other, as they have expertise in varied practice areas. Each attorney who is a member of ART has a practice separate from other ART members (and may be a partner or principal in a law partnership, limited liability company, professional limited liability company, professional corporation, sole proprietorship, or other entity). No attorney in ART has any liability or responsibility for the services or work product of any other member of ART.
Summary of Members’ Practice Areas: Abeshouse: Business to business Alternative Dispute Resolution; Commercial Arbitrator and Mediator
Abrams: Business Litigation/Legal Malpractice and Ethics
Bernstein: Corporate counsel services to closely held corporate clients
DiLuzio: Criminal Law (In Memoriam; RIP dear colleague)
Fatoullah: Elder Law Flatt: Workers' Compensation (claimants and uninsured employers) and Social Security Disability
Goidel: Elder Law
Goldfarb: Traffic Law
Gumerove: Special Needs, including 17A Guardianships, life planning, Special Needs Trusts, and Special Education
Gura: Matrimonial/Family Law
Hochler: Commercial and Consumer Collection Law and Judgment Enforcement (In Memoriam; RIP dear colleague)
Katz: Real estate transactions, acquisitions, management and lending
Kearon: Criminal Law
Marnell: Divorce and Family Law
Meehan: Immigration Law
Millon: Negligence, Medical Malpractice, Products Liability
O'Rourke: Patent, Trademark, Trade Secret, Copyright and Unfair Competition Law
Rosken: Education Law
Rousso: Adoption Law
Schess: Labor/Employment Law Representing Management
Silver: Tax (JD/CPA)
Silverberg: Construction Law
Steinberg: Business bankruptcy/restructuring
Thaler: Bankruptcy
Weinberg: Appeals
Wurtzel: Real estate litigation, co-op and condo representation
* * * * * * *
Note: Under applicable legal ethics rules (NYS Rules of Professional Conduct), this website may be considered to constitute "Attorney Advertising."
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Meeting locations:
* * * * * * * *
Jolly Fisherman 25 Main Street (near clock tower) Roslyn 11576 https://www.jollyfishermanrestaurant.com/ * * * * * * * Limani 1043 Northern Blvd. Roslyn 11576 https://www.limani.com/li/ * * * * * * * * * Cena 081 103 Post Ave. (near LIRR station) Westbury 11590 https://www.cena081.com/ * * * * * * * * CopperHill 234 Hillside Avenue (at Mineola Blvd.), Williston Park 516-746-1243 (former location of La Marmite) https://www.copperhillny.com/ * * * * * * * City Cellar 1080 Corporate Drive, Westbury 11590 516-693-5400 http://www.bigtimerestaurants.com/ Across from Loews Raceway Cinema. * * * * * * La Novella 364 East Meadow Avenue (between Front St. and Prospect Ave.) East Meadow www.LaNovella.com * * * * * * * Kingfish Oyster Bar 990 Corporate Drive, Westbury (Adjacent to NEFCU, a few doors down from City Cellar) 516-640-5777 https://www.kingfishoysterbar.com/ * * * * * * * Frank's Steaks 4 Jericho Turnpike Jericho, NY 11753 516-338-4595 (Between Brush Hollow Road and Powell's Lane) http://www.frankssteaks.com/ * * * * * * * * * Thyme 8 Tower Place, Roslyn Village 516-625-2566 https://www.thymenewyork.com/) Across from the Roslyn Clock Tower * * * * * * * * * Jewel Restaurant is located at the intersection of the LIE Service Road and Rt. 110 (BroadHollow Rd.) in Melville (LIE Exit 49 South). See: http://www.jewelrestaurantli.com/index.php for more details. Jewel Restaurant is located at 400 BroadHollow Road (Rt. 110) in Melville, in the Rubie Corporate Plaza, at the southwest corner of the LIE Service Road and Rt. 110. The StarLight Room is located just to your left once you come through the main entrance. * * * * * * * Novita Wine Bar & Trattoria 860 Franklin Ave. (near 9th Street), Garden City www.novitany.com * * * * * * * Carltun on the Park Eisenhower Park East Meadow, NY 11554 http://thecarltun.com/ * * * * * * * Kashi 343 Jericho Turnpike, Syosset 516.864.0900 http://www.kashijapanese.com/kashisyosset/ * * * * * * * Taste 99 Carlyle on the Green Taste 99 Restaurant; Tillinghast Bar (or St. Andrews Room) 99 Quaker Meeting House Road Farmingdale, NY 11735 Bethpage State Park Home of the fabled Bethpage Black Golf Course (Just off Exit 8 of Rt.135/SOB; or at the end of the Bethpage State Parkway, past Exit B4) http://www.carlyleonthegreen.net/ * * * * * * Trattoria Diane 21 Bryant Ave., Roslyn www.trattoriadiane.com EASTBOUND L.I.E. Exit 37 (Willis Ave.) -- Continue on service road to Roslyn Road. Left turn on Roslyn Road, travel approx. 2 miles. At the Clock Tower in Roslyn make right turn, and drive through the Village. At first traffic light, make left turn, pass one traffic light – Diane’s is on the left hand side. WESTBOUND L.I.E. Exit 39 Glen Cove Road – Go north on Glen Cove Road to Northern Blvd. Make a left turn onto Northern Blvd. Travel West approx. 1. 5 Miles - Exit Before Roslyn Viaduct. Left turn at light. Diane’s is on the right. * * * * * * * * Seasons 52 Fresh Grill 630 Old Country Road Garden City, NY 516-248-5252 Located at the Roosevelt Field Mall, adjacent to Grand Luxe Cafe and the movie theater. http://www.seasons52.com/locations/?restaurantid=4521 * * * * * * Viana Hotel & Spa: 3998 Brush Hollow Road Westbury, NY 11590 516-338-7777 http://www.vianahotelandspa.com/ * * * * * * Morton's Steakhouse: 777 Northern Blvd., Great Neck, NY 11021 Phone: 516-498-2950 http://www.mortons.com/greatneck/ * * * * * * La Parma 707 Willis Ave. Williston Park, NY 11596 516-294-6610 http://www.laparma.com/home.html Directions: https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=707+Willis+Ave.,+Williston+Park,+NY+11596&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=43.664131,78.837891&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=707+Willis+Ave,+Williston+Park,+Nassau,+New+York+11596&ll=40.763901,-73.646808 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Past venues: Oniro Taverna 8289 Jericho Turnpike Woodbury 11797 onirotaverna.com * * * * * * * * * * The Carltun On The Park Located in: Eisenhower Park, East Meadow, New York 11554. Phone number: 516.542.0700. http://www.thecarltun.com/ * * * * * * Allegria Hotel 80 West Broadway Long Beach, NY 11561 http://www.allegriahotel.com/ (on the water, overlooking the Boardwalk, at the corner of National Blvd. and West Broadway) Valet parking at hotel, courtesy of ART. * * * * * * * Cue Nine 2953 Hempstead Turnpike Levittown 11756 516-796-4600 www.cue-nine.com Billiards bar and restaurant * * * * * * * * * Harbor Links Golf Course: Directions: http://tinyurl.com/26k6nr4 Address: Harbor Links Golf Course | One Fairway Drive | Port Washington, NY 11050 | TEL: 516.767.4816 * * * * * * OEVO Ristorante: 420 Northern Blvd., Great Neck, NY 11021 516-504-9690 www.oevoristorante.com (between Great Neck Road and MiddleNeck-Lakeville Roads) * * * * * * Davenport Press: 70 Main Street, Mineola 11501 516-248-8300 2 blocks north of Old Country Road, between Mineola Blvd. and Willis Ave. * * * * * * K. Pacho (formerly TWO) 1270 Union Tpke. (Near Lakeville Rd.) New Hyde Park, NY 11040 http://www.kpacho.com 516-358-2222 * * * * * * Piccola Bussola: 159 Jericho Tpke., Mineola, NY 11501 516-294-4620 (Between Willis Ave. and Mineola Blvd.) http://www.labussolaristorante.com/mineola/ * * * * * * 420 North 420 Northern Blvd., Great Neck, NY 11021 516-504-9690 www.the420north.com (between Great Neck Road and MiddleNeck-Lakeville Roads) * * * * * * * * FOUR FOOD STUDIO: 515 Broad Hollow Road (Rt. 110; corner of Baylis Road), Melville. 631-577-4444 http://www.fourfoodstudio.com/ * * * * * * * Social Sports Kitchen: 1002 Hempstead Turnpike, Uniondale 11553 516-489-8080 * * * * * TWO Steak and Sushi Den: 1270 Union Tpke., New Hyde Park 11040 On Union Tpke., east of Lakeville Road (Northern State Parkway Exit 25 S), and west of New Hyde Park Road (Northern State Parkway Exit 26 S). (Adjacent to Strike.) * * * * * Chris & Tony's Restaurant & Lounge 352 Jericho Tpke. (Near South Oyster Bay Road) Syosset, NY 11791 516-496-1011 http://www.chrisandtonys.com * * * * * * Table 9 Restaurant 290 Glen Cove Road, East Hills, New York ph. 516.625.9099 http://www.table9restaurant.com/ 1/2 mile north of the L.I.E., on the east side of the street. * * * * * * Maxxels Restaurant 526 Jericho Tpke., Mineola, NY (adjacent to the corner of Herricks Road; on the border of Garden City Park). 516-293-3604 http://maxxels.com * * * * * * Jonathan's 2499 Jericho Turnpike, Garden City Park, NY 11040 516.742.7300 http://www.jonathansrestaurant.net/ Between Herricks Road and Marcus Avenue. * * * * * * Panama Hattie's 872 E. Jericho Turnpike Huntington Station, NY 11746 Phone: (631) 351-1727 http://www.panamahatties.com/ * * * * * * * Speranza Food Studio: 7940 Jericho Turnpike, Woodbury, NY 11797 http://www.speranzafoodstudio.com * * * * * * * Samurai Japanese Steak House; 46A Gerard Street; Huntington 11743 (631-271-2588); near the intersection of Wall Street, 1 block north of Main Street (Rt. 25A), 2 blocks west of New York Avenue (Rt. 110). * * * * * * * * La Marmite Restaurant, 234 Hillside Ave, Williston Park (516)746-1243 * * * * * * * * Papa-Razzi Trattoria, 1500 Jericho Turnpike, Westbury 11590 (516) 877-7744 Located at the corner of Glen Cove Road and Jericho Turnpike. * * * * * * * * CLE Abstract; 121 West Oak Street; Amityville 11701 Other past venues include: Uncle Bacala's on Jericho Tpke. in Garden City Park; Dave & Busters on Rt. 110 in Farmingdale; Polo Lounge/Casanova on Plandome Road in Manhasset; Wingate Inn on Stewart Ave. in Garden City; La Primavera on North Broadway (Rt. 106/107) in Hicksville; Citibank Park -- L.I. Ducks; Il Sapore on Mineola Blvd. (Willis Ave. north) in Roslyn; etc.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that the Attorney Round Table (ART) is not a law firm, partnership, or any other type of entity. Members of ART are valuable resources for each other, as they have expertise in varied practice areas. Each attorney who is a member of ART has a practice separate from other ART members (and may be a partner or principal in a law partnership, limited liability company, professional limited liability company, professional corporation, sole proprietorship, or other entity). No attorney in ART has any liability or responsibility for the services or work product of any other member of ART.
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